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Issue - meetings

Local Development Scheme

Meeting: 12/04/2022 - Council (Item 80)

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At its meeting on 30 March 2022 the Executive Committee considered the Local Development Scheme and RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that it be ADOPTED.  

Additional documents:


80.11         At its meeting on 30 March 2022, the Executive Committee had considered the Local Development Plan and recommended that it be adopted.

80.12         The report which was considered by the Executive Committee had been circulated with the Agenda for the current meeting at Pages No. 90-101.

80.13         The Chair of the Executive Committee proposed the recommendation of the Executive Committee and the Vice-Chair seconded.

80.14         The Head of Development Services confirmed that the Inspector’s report on the Borough Plan had now been received and Officers would be examining it before it was presented to Councillors, but it was intended that would be sometime in Spring 2022. 

80.15         Accordingly, it was

                  RESOLVED          That the Local Development Scheme be ADOPTED.

Meeting: 30/03/2022 - Executive (Item 109)

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To recommend the Local Development Scheme to Council for adoption.  

Subject To Call In:: No - Recommendation to Council

Additional documents:


That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the updated Local Development Scheme for Tewkesbury Borough, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be ADOPTED.


109.1         The report of the Interim Planning Policy Manager, circulated at Pages No. 188-199, attached an updated Local Development Scheme which Members were asked to recommend to Council for adoption.

109.2         Members were advised that the Local Development Scheme outlined the timetable for preparation of statutory development plan documents in the Borough. The existing published version, which had been adopted by the Council in January 2021, required revision as the timetable was now out of date and an up to date Local Development Scheme was required as part of the preparation of the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Strategic Plan (formerly the Joint Core Strategy). The amended key dates for the Joint Strategic Plan and Tewkesbury Borough Plan were contained within the Local Development Scheme. Neighbourhood Development Plans also formed part of the Development Plan for Tewkesbury Borough and a number of plans had been ‘made’ or were currently in production. Although eventually adopted by the Borough Council, Neighbourhood Development Plans were developed by local communities. Therefore those plans were not directly progressed by the Borough Council and their timetable for development was largely dependent on local communities. As such, the Local Development Scheme did not contain detail on the timetables for any emerging Neighbourhood Development Plans.

109.3         Accordingly, it was

Action By: HDS