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Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2020-2024 (Year 2) refresh and COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan Refresh

Meeting: 20/10/2021 - Council (Item 34)

34 Council Plan 2020-2024 (Year 2) Refresh and COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan Refresh pdf icon PDF 99 KB

At its meeting on 1 September 2021 the Executive Committee considered the Council Plan 2020-2024 (Year 2) refresh and COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan refresh and RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the Council Plan refresh and COVID-19 Recovery Plan refresh be ADOPTED.   

Additional documents:


34.6           At its meeting on 1 September 2021, the Executive Committee had considered the Council Plan 2020-2024 (Year 2) refresh and COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan refresh and recommended to Council that the documents be adopted.   

34.7           The report which was considered by the Executive Committee had been circulated with the Agenda for the current meeting at Pages No. 31-69.

34.8           The Chair of the Executive Committee proposed the recommendation and the Vice-Chair seconded it. In proposing the report, the Executive Committee Chair felt it was important to note the way the Council had responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and he took the opportunity to thank Officers for the extraordinary work undertaken which had included putting into place a framework for the Council to deal with the crisis whilst continuing to provide essential services. He had been in meetings at the time whereby it was clear that other Councils were struggling to cope and it seemed that Tewkesbury Borough Council was often ‘ahead of the game’ compared to others for which he was extremely grateful and proud.

34.9           A Member felt there were things within the plans which had been crossed out but should in fact be ongoing e.g. ‘seek to reduce waste’ and ‘improving bio-diversity’. In response, the Head of Corporate Services explained that the actions within the plans needed to be proportionate to what the Council could deliver as well as being measurable for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to monitor which was the reason some had been amended/deleted.

34.10         Accordingly, it was

                  RESOLVED          That the Council Plan refresh and COVID-19 Recovery Plan                              refresh be ADOPTED.

Meeting: 01/09/2021 - Executive (Item 34)

34 Council Plan 2020-2024 (Year 2) Refresh and COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan Refresh pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To recommend to Council the adoption of the of the Council Plan and COVID-19 Recovery Plan refresh.  

Subject To Call In:: No - Recommendation to Council.

Additional documents:


That the Council Plan refresh and the COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan refresh be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL for ADOPTION.  


34.1          The report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 29-67, provided the Council Plan refresh and COVID-19 Corporate Recovery Plan refresh which Members were asked to consider and recommend to Council for adoption.

34.2          The Chief Executive explained that this was an annual refresh of the Council Plan and a refresh of the relatively recently adopted COVID Recovery Plan. The actions which had changed in both plans reflected where they had been completed or moved into another phase with various examples provided within the body of the report. It was proposed that the COVID-19 Recovery Plan would be retained separately until the end of the Municipal Year and then, going forward, would be merged into the Council Plan.

34.3          Accordingly, it was

Action By: HCorS