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Issue - meetings

Grass Cutting

Meeting: 06/06/2018 - Executive (Item 9)

9 Grass Cutting pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the recent issues around grass cutting in the Borough.

Subject To Call In:: No - Decision taken as urgent as defined in Scrutiny Rule of Procedure 15.1 due to the fact that the works involved need to take place as a matter of urgency.

Additional documents:


1.    That the improvement action plan be APPROVED.  

2.    That £10,000 be allocated from the waste and recycling development reserve as a contingency sum to deal with remedial grass cutting works if required.

3.    That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee monitor the delivery of the action plan.  


9.1             Attention was drawn to the report of the Head of Community Services, circulated separately at Pages No. 1-8. Members had requested the report which provided an update on the current issues being experienced with grass cutting across the Borough. The Committee was asked to approve an improvement action plan; approve the allocation of £10,000 from the uncommitted contingency reserve to deal with remedial grass cutting works; and recommend that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee monitor the delivery of the improvement action plan. 

9.2             The Chair advised that the report had been provided following a request by Members that the issues be considered. Unfortunately, the relevant Lead Member was not able to attend the current meeting but he was fully in favour of the report and had attended a number of meetings in the last week to help structure it.

9.3             In summary, the Head of Community Services explained that Ubico was the Council’s contractor for undertaking grounds maintenance across the Borough. Tewkesbury Borough Council was responsible for the cutting of grass on its own land and had a contract arrangement with Gloucestershire County Highways and Parish Councils to cut various areas of grass across the Borough. County Highways currently contracted Amey for highway verges - in Tewkesbury Borough those were mainly verges and roundabouts along lanes and major trunk roads. The majority of the grass that Ubico cut for the Borough Council on behalf of County Highways was within developments such as the Wheatpieces estate, Newtown, Bishop’s Cleeve, Winchcombe, Longford, Ashleworth and Gotherington. Tewkesbury Borough Officers had provided comprehensive maps to Ubico which detailed all of the land required to be maintained and the relevant land ownerships.

9.4             The Committee was advised that the grass cutting season started in March and continued throughout the year; however, this was not all Ubico did in terms of grounds maintenance. Unfortunately the grass cutting season had been impacted by the high winds, storms and snow over the winter so the works had not been completed as early in the year as usual. Normally the number of people that undertook the grass cutting was sufficient, however, this year the cold temperatures in March, followed shortly thereafter by much higher temperatures, had meant the grass cutting season had not started as early but then the grass had immediately started grow at a much faster rate than normal.  It had quickly become clear to Tewkesbury Borough Officers and Ubico that there was a problem with resources and extra staff had been brought in to deal with the backlog; unfortunately, due to the height of the grass, the quality of the first cut had not been acceptable which had led to a lot of complaints. Another three operatives and an additional contractor had now been brought in and it was hoped that those additional resources would soon start to show a benefit. There was also a ‘squad’ which was being deployed to address areas of particular complaint as quickly as possible. Attached at Appendix 1 to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9

Action By: DCE