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Issue - meetings

Growth Hub

Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Council (Item 48)

48 Growth Hub pdf icon PDF 83 KB

At its meeting on 30 August 2017 the Executive Committee considered proposals for the Growth Hub to be based at the Public Services Centre and RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Member for Economic Development/Promotion, the Head of Finance and Asset Management and the Borough Solicitor, to implement the Growth Hub, including entering into appropriate agreements.  


48.1           At its meeting on 30 August 2017, the Executive Committee had considered a report which provided further information on the Growth Hub and asked Members to provide delegated powers to the Deputy Chief Executive to approve and sign any agreements relevant to the expedient delivery of the Hub. The Executive Committee had recommended to Council that authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Member for Economic Development/Promotion, the Head of Finance and Asset Management and the Borough Solicitor, to implement the Growth Hub, including entering into appropriate arrangements.

48.2           The report which was considered by the Executive Committee had been circulated with the Agenda for the current meeting at Pages No. 27-31.

48.3           The recommendation was proposed by the Chair of the Executive Committee and subsequently seconded. In proposing the recommendation, the Chair explained that he had used the Growth Hub in Gloucester a while ago and he thoroughly recommended it as it was an extremely useful asset which would link the university with businesses and the Council.

48.4           A Member indicated that he was happy to support the Growth Hub but was concerned about the car parking situation at the Public Services Centre. In response, the Head of Finance and Asset Management advised that this issue was at the forefront of Officers’ minds and the project team was currently working on capacity requirements to ensure there was sufficient space for Officers, Members and customers. The Management Team would be assessing that work and the outcomes would be taken to the Transform Working Group, and through the Committee cycle, as appropriate.

48.5           Accordingly, it was

                  RESOLVED          That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in                             consultation with the Lead Member for Economic                                                Development/Promotion, the Head of Finance and Asset                                         Management and the Borough Solicitor, to implement the                                        Growth Hub, including entering into appropriate agreements.

Meeting: 30/08/2017 - Executive (Item 40)

40 Growth Hub pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To consider the update in respect of the Growth Hub and to make a recommendation to Council that authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Member for Economic Development/Promotion, the Head of Finance and Asset Management and the Borough Solicitor, to implement the Growth Hub, including entering into appropriate agreements.

Subject To Call In:: 1. No - Item to Note. 2. No - Recommendation to Council


1.      That the information and updates within the report be NOTED.

2.      That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Member for Economic Development/Promotion, the Head of Finance and Asset Management and the Borough Solicitor, to implement the Growth Hub, including entering into appropriate agreements.  


40.1           The report of the Economic Development Officer, circulated at Pages No. 271-275, provided information on the Growth Hub proposals and asked the Committee to recommend to Council that delegated powers be given to the Deputy Chief Executive to approve and sign any agreements relevant to the expedient delivery of the Hub.

40.2           Members were advised that in Autumn 2016 a successful funding bid had been made to GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership to establish a Business Growth Hub within Tewkesbury Borough Public Service Centre. The Growth Hub would be a place where businesses could meet, network, get access to important resources and secure grant funding. It was hoped the Hub would drive economic success right at the heart of Tewkesbury Borough which was the fastest growing part of Gloucestershire. The original funding bid for £385,000 had been approved by both the Local Enterprise Partnership and Growth Hub Boards. Since approval, the Borough Council had developed a brief and commissioned architects to look at the whole refurbishment project including the Growth Hub. The concept plans developed by the architects indicated an area of 84.5m2 was required whereas the original bid had proposed an area of 46.45m2; it was felt the larger area would allow flexibility of space and incorporation of all elements proposed in the original brief – a meeting room, three incubators and a wider touchdown/resource centre area -  the increased space would provide improved flexibility for the delivery of growth hub services, achievement of proposed outputs in the original bid and encourage business engagement. To facilitate the refurbishment of the extra space, and to ensure consistency of look and feel, an increased funding request of £80,068.50 had been proposed to the Local Enterprise Partnership. The revised amount had received approval in principle from the Sub-Group Board but would need to be confirmed by the whole Board in due course.

40.3           In terms of the timetable, the Council was working closely with the Local Enterprise Partnership for all Hub agreements to be signed/approved by Tewkesbury Borough Council for signature in September/October 2017; Local Enterprise Partnership Board agreement/approval on 10 October 2017; draw down of the first allocation of funding in December 2017; and for the Growth Hub to open in Spring 2018.

40.4           In response to a query regarding the plans, the Chief Executive advised that the Transform Working Group would get regular updates on the design of the Hub. With regards to the new size, Officers had been assured that the square meterage could be accommodated with no problem. Car parking was obviously a concern for Members going forward especially given the Leisure Centre use and the expansion of the Public Services Centre; however, car parking allowance would be catered for within the plans and Officers were continuing to look at the anticipated demand for parking on site in the future.

40.5           Accordingly, it was 

Action By: DCE BS