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Issue - meetings

Waste Review and Vehicle Procurement

Meeting: 18/02/2016 - Council (Item 70)

70 Waste Service Review and Vehicle Procurement pdf icon PDF 224 KB

At its meeting on 3 February 2016 the Executive Committee considered a report detailing the outcome of a waste review and RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL:

a)      That the findings of the Waste Service Review be ENDORSED.

b)      That the comingled recycling service, with separate food waste collections (Option 2), be adopted as the preferred option for implementation in 2017.

c)      That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that £3.25million be allocated from capital resources to fund the vehicle replacement programme.

d)    That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Members for Clean and Green Environment and Finance and Asset Management, to procure the new and replacement vehicles. 


70.1           At its meeting on 3 February 2016 the Executive Committee had considered a report which detailed the outcome of a waste review and had resolved a) that the findings of the Waste Service Review be endorsed; b) that the comingled recycling service, with separate food waste collections (Option 2), be adopted as the preferred option for implementation in 2017; c) that it be recommended to Council that £3.25million be allocated from capital resources to fund the vehicle replacement programme; and d) that authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Members for Clean and Green Environment and Finance and Asset Management, to procure the new and replacement vehicles. 

70.2           The report that had been considered by the Executive Committee had been circulated at Pages No. 11-25.

70.3           The recommendation from the Executive Committee was proposed by the Chairman of the Committee and seconded by the Lead Member. In seconding the proposal, the Member indicated that an extensive review had been undertaken which had resulted in the recommendations which had been made. He had been heartened that the Council would still be able to offer the same service to residents that they already had and which they liked. He was also pleased that the Council would be ready to embrace the new residual waste disposal unit at Javelin Park which the County Council was committed to delivering.

70.4              The Leader of the Council expressed his appreciation to the representatives from the Joint Waste Team who had attended the Council’s meetings and seminars on the subject and presented the case extremely efficiently. He felt it was that approach which had resulted in there being no further questions from Members at the current meeting.

70.5              Accordingly, it was

                  RESOLVED          a)  That the findings of the Waste Service Review be                                                    ENDORSED.

                                                b)  That the comingled recycling service, with separate food                                         waste collections (Option 2), be ADOPTED as the preferred                                  option for implementation in 2017.

                                                c)  That £3.25million be allocated from capital resources to fund                                   the vehicle replacement programme.

                                                d)  That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive,                                      in consultation with the Lead Members for Clean and Green                                    Environment and Finance and Asset Management, to                                                   procure the new and replacement vehicles. 

Meeting: 03/02/2016 - Executive (Item 77)

77 Waste Service Review and Vehicle Procurement pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To adopt a revised model for the waste and recycling service and to make a recommendation to Council on the approval of capital resources to fund the vehicle replacement programme.  

Subject To Call In:: a), b) and d) - Yes - No action to be taken until the expiry of the call-in period. c) - No - Recommendation to Council.


a)         That the findings of the Waste Service Review be ENDORSED.

b)         That the comingled recycling service, with separate food waste collections (Option 2), be adopted as the preferred option for implementation in 2017.

c)         That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that £3.25million be allocated from capital resources to fund the vehicle replacement programme.

d)      That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Members for Clean and Green Environment and Finance and Asset Management, to procure the new and replacement vehicles. 


77.1           The report of the Environmental and Housing Services Group Manager, circulated at Pages No. 14-28, informed Members of the outcome of the review and recommended a revised model for the waste and recycling service as well as a procurement process to provide the vehicles to deliver the service. Members were asked to endorse the findings of the waste service review; adopt the comingled recycling service with separate food waste collections (option two) as the preferred option for implementation in 2017; to recommend to Council that the allocation of £3.25 million from capital resources to fund the vehicle replacement programme be approved; and to delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Members for Clean and Green Environment and Finance and Asset Management, to procure the new and replacement vehicles.

77.2           The Deputy Chief Executive advised Members that the current waste and comingled recycling collection service had been in place since 2010. The service had been introduced with the aim of achieving 50% recycling and composting by 2014/15 and reaching an annual landfill rate of 273kg per capita. Since 2014, the waste and recycling collection service had been provided for Tewkesbury by the local authority company Ubico which also provided street cleansing and ground maintenance services in the Borough. The vehicles currently used by Ubico for delivery of the service were contract hired and that agreement was due to expire at the end of March 2017 so this also needed to be given consideration. The review of the waste service had been commissioned in September 2015 to consider whether the current service configuration was still fit for purpose and to compare it against other service models in terms of cost, performance and compliance. Bruce Carpenter, working through the Joint Waste Team, had undertaken the review on behalf of the Council and the report before Members drew together the conclusions of that review.

77.3           In introducing himself Bruce Carpenter explained that he was the Head of Operations for the Somerset Waste Partnership and through that was linked to the Joint Waste Team. He explained that the report before the Committee described the review and made recommendations on service provision and the replacement vehicles that might deliver the new service. As identified by the Deputy Chief Executive, the current service had been introduced in 2010 and had proven to be successful in reducing residual waste and improving recycling so it was likely that, if reversed, recycling would reduce and this would be contrary to the Council’s objectives. This had to be taken into account as did the fact that, by 2019, the energy from the waste facility at Javelin Park should come on-stream. Members were also advised that new legislation had been introduced by the Waste Regulations England and Wales 2011 (as amended) which had underpinned the review. Those Regulations required the collection of materials separately but there were expectations within them that allowed comingling of materials if it was not technically, environmentally and economically practicable (TEEP  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77

Action By: DCE