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Issue - meetings

Naming of Leisure Centre

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Council (Item 27)

27 Naming of New Leisure Facility pdf icon PDF 64 KB

At its meeting on 2 September 2015 the Executive Committee considered a report in respect of the name of the new leisure facility and RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the name for the new leisure facility at Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury be ‘Tewkesbury Leisure Centre’.


27.9           At its meeting on 2 September 2015 the Executive Committee had considered a report in respect of the name of the new leisure facility and had recommended to Council that the name for the new leisure facility at Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury be ‘Tewkesbury Leisure Centre’. 

27.10         The report that had been considered by the Executive Committee had been circulated with the Agenda for the current meeting at Pages No. 30-33.

27.11         The recommendation from the Executive Committee was proposed and seconded. During the discussion which ensued, a Member referred to the chosen operator for the new centre, Places for People (PfP), and questioned what its background was. In response, the Deputy Chief Executive advised that the company was originally an established Housing Association; a mature leisure company arm was then brought into it. The company now had a track record of being a landlord and a leisure operator and had been successful across the country.

27.12         Some Members expressed the view that whilst the name ‘Tewkesbury Leisure Centre’, did what it said, it was not exactly interesting or inspiring. It was suggested that, given the history of the Borough, there were probably other names that could be used to appeal to a wider audience. Some Members were also concerned that the name Tewkesbury Leisure Centre did not represent the whole Borough and they agreed that a name in line with the Borough’s heritage would be more appropriate. It was suggested that the people of the Borough could be asked to provide some ideas as to what the facility should be named. Conversely, some Members indicated that people looking for a pool in Tewkesbury Borough needed to be able to find one easily and this meant that the name needed to include the location of the facility. They were aware that the operator needed a name for the centre so that it could begin marketing it ready for opening and they felt this was not something that could, or should, be put off. They felt that Places for People were the experts and therefore the Council should follow their advice and name the facility as soon as possible.

27.13         Having considered the information provided, it was

                  RESOLVED          That the name for the new leisure facility at Gloucester Road,                            Tewkesbury be ‘Tewkesbury Leisure Centre’.

Meeting: 02/09/2015 - Executive (Item 35)

35 Naming of New Leisure Facility pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To make a recommendation to Council on the name of the new Leisure Facility.  

Subject To Call In:: No - Recommendation to Council.


That it be RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that the name for the new leisure facility at Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury be ‘Tewkesbury Leisure Centre’.  


35.1           The report of the Finance and Asset Management Group Manager, circulated at Pages No. 69-72, suggested a name for the new Leisure Centre in Tewkesbury and asked Members to make a recommendation to Council thereon.

35.2           The Finance and Asset Management Group Manager explained that the new Centre was now seven months into being built and was progressing well. There would soon be a need to consider how the new facility would be promoted and for this it was important that a name was agreed. Both the Tewkesbury Swimming Bath Trust and the Council’s Leisure Facility Member Reference Group had been consulted and Members had generally been in agreement that the name ‘Tewkesbury Leisure Centre’ would be the most appropriate. This was also the view of Places for People; the appointed operator of the new centre. When considering the new name a number of different options had been explored including names relevant to the area and to the history of the Borough as well as a more modern idea such as the use of a postcode. Places for People was clear that it preferred a simple name which said exactly what it did and where it was as it made it easily identifiable for customers as well as being easier in terms of promotion. Concern had been expressed by Members that the use of the word Borough in the title, although reflective of the wider customer base, could be time limited by any local government reorganisation as well as leading to uncertainty over the exact location of the centre for customers; it had therefore been suggested that the most appropriate name would be Tewkesbury Leisure Centre.

35.3           During the discussion which ensued, some Members expressed a strong view that the use of the name Tewkesbury Leisure Centre gave the impression that it was a facility just for the Town rather than for the whole Borough. They felt this was wholly unacceptable and that the name should reflect the whole Borough or possibly be something that represented the history of the Borough. In response a Member, who was also a Member of the Swimming Bath Trust and the Leisure Facility Member Reference Group, explained that this had been considered very carefully but that Members had concluded that the name Tewkesbury Leisure Centre would give the facility a strong identity which would be easier for promotion purposes.

35.4           Accordingly, it was

Action By: DCE