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Meeting > Meetings > Committee attendance > Agenda item

Agenda item

Carbon Reduction Action Plan Update

To consider an update on year 2 progress and agree a year 3 action plan.

Subject To Call In::1. No - Item to note. 2. Yes - No action to be taken prior to the expiry of the call-in period.


1.      That the progress achieved in Year Two of the Carbon Reduction Action Plan be NOTED.

2.      That the recommended Year Three Action Plan be APPROVED.


24.1           The report of the Head of Finance and Asset Management, circulated at Pages No. 132-156, sought to update Members on the progress achieved in year two of the Carbon Reduction Action Plan and asked the Committee to approve the recommended year three action plan.

24.2           The Head of Finance and Asset Management advised that this was the second annual report following the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in October 2019. Good progress had been made in the second year of the action plan, particularly since the appointment of the new Carbon Reduction Programme Officer. There had been disappointment that it had not been possible to progress the replacement of the heating system at the offices, but the delivery of the solar car parking canopy was well underway and was due to completed in the next few weeks. In terms of the replacement of the heating system, the securing of external funding remained a key target and would continue to be a primary action in its plans until it was delivered. It was hoped a further round of Public Sector Decarbonisation Funding would be announced in Autumn 2022 and an early bid could be made utilising all of the information gathered in previous rounds.  The appendix also included a draft action plan for year three with the actions recommended building on the progress made in the second year and setting solid foundations for the delivery of the Council’s 2030 ambition. The third year action plan also began to look at the strategies required to meet targets against the waste and recycling fleet as well as the rollout of electric vehicle charging points.

24.3           Appendix A to the report highlighted the achievements of the second year of the action plan which included approval of funding to support the Council’s ambitions: £100,000 delivery fund from the Borough Council’s reserves; £284,200 of external grant funding and £447,200 of internal funding to support the delivery of a solar car parking canopy; £40,600 of ongoing funding to support a new Carbon Reduction Programme Officer post - as well as appointment of the Carbon Reduction Programme Officer in February; appointment of contractors and start on site for the delivery of the solar car park canopy; an updated Tree Management Policy; and promotional and partnership work in the run up to COP26 last November. The annual emissions report 2021 against 2019 baseline highlighted a significant reduction in emissions across Council services in the last calendar year with a total of 33.5% being saved against the Council’s baseline which was a significant achievement; however, that was caveated by the COVID pandemic which had an impact on working practices and energy demand in that period – this may or may not continue moving forward. The Head of Finance and Asset Management also noted that some of the movements in data supplied by outside bodies required further investigation and understanding to clarify either the base position or the 2021 update.

24.4           A Member noted that air source heat pumps had been having some bad press recently and she wanted to ensure the Council was keeping the situation under review. The Head of Finance and Asset Management confirmed that Officers were aware of the limitations of air source heat pumps and were looking at alternative options as well. Another Member indicated that one of the common questions he was asked was about electric vehicle charging points and where and when the Council would be installing them. In response, the Head of Finance and Asset Management advised that the County Council was rolling out on-street parking chargers and, following that, the Borough Council would decide where it wanted to put its charging points. In terms of Councillor mileage, the exact figures were not known as not all Councillors claimed for their mileage. As part of the County group work, Officers were considering how to move forward with that type of issue and whether to be specific or take an average.

24.5           Accordingly, it was 

Action By:HF&AM

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