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Agenda item

Taxi and Private Hire and Countywide Convictions Policy

To consider proposals to consult on changes to the Taxi and Private Hire Policy and Countywide Convictions Policy for a 12 week period to commence on 13 April 2021.


27.1          The report of the Interim Environmental Health Manager, circulated at Pages No. 58-80, advised the Committee of proposals to consult on changes to the Taxi and Private Hire Policy and Countywide Convictions Policy. Members were asked to agree the policies for consultation for a period of 12 weeks commencing on 13 April 2021.

27.2          The Committee was advised that, following the publication of the Department for Transport’s Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards in July 2020, the licensing authorities for Gloucestershire were proposing the adoption of common standards for the licensing of hackney carriage and private hire drivers, vehicle proprietors and operators. The purpose of the common standards would be to set a common basic licensing standard for all licence holders and new applicants to promote best practice, maintain high safeguarding standards and to reduce the burden on licence holders and businesses. The County group had been reviewing the standards and the document attached to the report was the latest draft – it was noted that it may need slight amendment which would be agreed with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee prior to consultation. The Council’s Taxi and Private Hire Policy had initially been reviewed and sent out for consultation in August 2019, however, the outcome of the consultation was never brought back to the Committee for approval. As the principles on common standards underpinned the local policy it was felt pertinent to review the policy and consult on it again.

27.3          The Interim Environmental Health Manager explained that the main impact of the common standards was to assess whether a driver was a fit and proper person to hold a licence and also to ensure there was a common position across the county on convictions. A database was being set up which Tewkesbury Borough Council would be part of to ensure sufficient checking was done to safeguard the public. A Member noted that the common standards would be agreed across Gloucestershire but queried whether any cooperative work was being done to include Worcestershire given it shared a border with Tewkesbury Borough. In response, the Interim Environmental Health Manager indicated that she had not personally been involved in any such discussions, however, the common standards were required by law so there was unlikely to be very much variation from county to county. Another Member questioned whether the Gloucestershire group would accept the addition of a common standard that drivers should have a good knowledge of the roads within their areas. In response, the Interim Environmental Health Manager undertook to ask the group.

27.4          Upon being proposed and seconded, it was

                 RESOLVED           1. That the Borough’s Taxi and Private Hire Policy and                                                Countywide Convictions Policy be consulted upon for a                                          period of 12 weeks commencing on 13 April 2021, as set out                               in Paragraph 2.5 of the report.

                                                2. That authority be delegated to the Interim Environmental                                   Health Manager, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-                                                   Chair of the Committee, to make any further amendments                                 prior to the commencement of the consultation period.

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