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Agenda item

Counter Fraud Unit Report

To consider the six monthly update from the Counter Fraud Unit.


34.1          Attention was drawn to the report of the Head of Finance and Asset Management, circulated at Pages No. 27-32, which provided assurance over the counter fraud activities of the Council.  Members were asked to consider the six monthly update from the Counter Fraud Unit and make comments as necessary.

34.2           The Counter Fraud Manager drew attention to the 2018/19 work plan, attached at Appendix 1, which gave an overview of the work being carried out.  She explained that a full review of the housing list had been undertaken to ensure people had been included in the correct bands and this would become an annual piece of work for the Counter Fraud Unit to deliver across the county.  Whilst undertaking this, the Counter Fraud Unit had also processed the related National Fraud Initiative anomalies which had resulted in 44 applications being removed from the waiting list and one banding change.  She went on to advise that, from September 2018, the Counter Fraud Unit had been tasked with undertaking the investigation of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and updates would be provided as this was rolled out.  One significant piece of work was the full review of the rating list; this was quite onerous in terms of going out and looking at properties but it was considered to be worthwhile and would be recommended to other Councils.  She went on to advise that, following a move away from joint working with the transfer of housing benefit investigation, the Counter Fraud Unit was working with the Department for Work and Pensions again in recognition of a disconnect with the Council Tax Reduction Scheme which had gone live on 26 November 2018 and there would now be a joint investigation of housing benefit, Universal Credit and the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.  She hoped that more work could be undertaken with other departments within the Council next year.

34.3          In respect of investigating fraud, a Member queried whether the Counter Fraud Unit was proactive in seeking it out, or whether it reacted to staff suspicions of anomalies, and the Counter Fraud Manager confirmed that it did both – it was able to take referrals and also worked to a list of tasks set for the year.  In response to a query regarding the verification of the housing list, Members were advised that it was very difficult to establish norms as it related to people and where they wanted to be housed.  This meant that the list was as good as it could be at that particular point in time; notwithstanding this, there was a requirement to look at the process and to make improvements through data sharing to ensure that everyone got what they were entitled to.  The Head of Corporate Services made the point that it was not just down to the Counter Fraud Team to identify fraud so it was important that skills were transferred to the Housing Team in order for incidents to be recognised from the outset.  It was to be borne in mind that some fraud identified by the Counter Fraud Unit could have been picked up by the service had there been a change in process or raising of awareness.

34.4           It was

RESOLVED          That the six monthly update from the Counter Fraud Unit be NOTED.

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