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Agenda item

Performance Report - Quarter 1 2017/18

To review and scrutinise the performance management information and, where appropriate, to require response or action from the Executive Committee. 


32.1           The report of the Head of Corporate Services, circulated at Pages No. 32-69, attached performance management information for Quarter 1 of 2017/18.  The Overview and Scrutiny Committee was asked to review and scrutinise the performance information and, where appropriate, identify any issues to refer to the Executive Committee for clarification or further action to be taken. 

32.2           Members were advised that this was the first quarterly monitoring report for 2017/18 and progress against delivering the objectives and actions for each of the Council Plan priorities was reported through the Performance Tracker, attached at Appendix 1 to the report.  Key actions for the quarter were highlighted at Paragraph 2.3 of the report and included: installation of signage for three walks in Tewkesbury; introduction of a new business grants scheme; appointment of Thinking Places to create a vision for the Junction 9 area and BDP to produce a masterplan; successful business event held at Porsche at Junction 9, including the launch of a new business video; 59 affordable homes built across the borough; four successful fly-tipping prosecutions; and securing a tenant for a third of the Public Service Centre top floor.  Due to the complex nature of the actions being delivered, it was inevitable that some would not progress as smoothly or quickly as envisaged and Paragraph 2.4 of the report highlighted a delay with the review of the discretionary trade waste service.   Members were informed that the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) review, commissioned by Ubico, was in the final stages and should be with the Council by the end of August.  In terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Members were informed that the status of each indicator was set out at Paragraph 3.2 of the report.  Of the 16 indicators with targets, 13 indicators were performing better than the previous year with only three performing worse than the previous year.  Areas of interest included: KPIs 13 and 15 relating to the determination of major and ‘other’ planning applications which were exceeding target; KPI 22 in relation to the processing of new benefit claims which was at 13.22 days compared to the national average of 21 days; and KPI 28 in respect of sickness absence which had fallen, reducing the number of working days lost by 75.5%.  With regard to KPI 27, number of overall crime incidents, it was noted that there had been a 15% increase in overall crime compared to Quarter 1 of 2016/17; however, crime levels in the borough were not significantly high generally.

32.3           During the debate which ensured, the following queries and comments were made in relation to the Performance Tracker:

Priority: Finance and Resources

P42 – Objective 4 – Action a) Put in place a plan to regenerate Spring Gardens – A Member queried whether this was on track.

Members were informed that a report would be taken to the Executive Committee in October/November setting out the proposed steps forward including the potential appointment of a development partner to move this forward in the New Year.  It was currently on track in terms of timescales.

P42 – Objective 4 – Action b) Deliver the Council’s asset plan – A Member raised concern that it had come to light at an East Area Place Programme Meeting that Officers were unclear as to who owned the assets in certain areas.

The Head of Finance and Asset Management provided assurance that the Asset Management Team had identified everything owned by the Council at every location across the borough and work was being done to make this available to assist with grounds maintenance going forward.  Notwithstanding this, Officers did not necessarily know what was owned by others and work was ongoing with the County Council and NHS to plot this information on one system

P42 – Objective 4 – Action b) Deliver the Council’s asset plan – A Member sought an update on disposal of the garage sites and questioned when work would be started on the Vineyards play area.  He also raised concern that the installation of the three walks signage was incomplete as the old signage had not been removed. 

The Head of Finance and Asset Management confirmed that work on the Vineyards had now started in earnest and the old signage had been removed in relation to the three walks.  In terms of the disposal of the garage sites, this was dependent upon the capacity within the Asset Management Team; unfortunately it had not happened as quickly as hoped but a plan was in place to go to the market in the New Year.

Key Performance Indicators for Priority: Finance and Resources

P42 – KPIs 1 and 2 – Percentage of creditor payments paid within 30 days of receipt and outstanding sundry debt in excess of 12 months old – A Member questioned whether the arrow was showing a positive or negative performance and whether the debt for £10,973 was likely to be recovered.

The Head of Finance and Asset Management confirmed that performance was very positive with 95.18% of payments within 30 days during Quarter 1 of 2017/18 compared to a target of 94%.  In terms of the sundry debt outstanding, the debt for £10,973 was close to resolution and he was confident of receiving the sum in due course.  The total for the quarter was £38,317 and it was noted that this was a low figure having been reduced from approximately £120,000 a few years earlier.

P43 – Objective 1 – Action a) Seek approval and implement year one of the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy – A Member questioned whether Officers were aware of the Gwinnett family tomb in Down Hatherley which had been used to launch the Gloucestershire History Festival.

The Head of Development Services indicated that she had was looking at a number of tourism assets across the borough and, whilst she was not aware of that particular asset, she would include it in her work to see what could be done on a wider scale.

Priority: Customer Focused Services

P56 – Objective 3 – Action a) Deliver the Public Services Centre refurbishment project – A Member raised concern regarding parking at the site and sought assurance this was being addressed.

Members were advised that parking was being considered and a final scheme design for the depot was currently being considered to establish how many spaces could be provided.  If there was a need for additional parking, there were some areas around the Council Offices site which could be appropriate if necessary.  Assurance was provided that Officers were well aware of the issue and would be taking it forward.

32.4           At the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s request, financial information had now been reintroduced into the report based on a recommendation arising from the review of the Committee’s effectiveness.  The Head of Finance and Asset Management advised that the detailed papers had been taken to the Executive Committee on 30 August 2017.  The financial budget summary for Quarter 1 showed a £225,836 surplus against the profiled budget and a summary of the expenditure position for the Council split between the main expenditure types was set out at Paragraph 4.1 of the report.  The budget position in relation to Heads of Service responsibility showed an underspend of £157,537 as at the end of June with three main areas of savings: £67,150 in respect of employees, £17,809 in relation to contractor payments, and income of £47,582.  Employee costs savings were mainly through staff vacancies and maternity leave which were managed in the short term by limited use of agency staff and help from current staff to cover work.  The underspend on payments to contractors was generated from small savings across all services, the most significant being in relation to the Materials Recovery Facility recycling contract due to a lower than anticipated gate fee.  Planning income continued to be significant for the Council in line with budget, and car parking and licensing were both performing well so far; however, garden waste was not achieving budget as a result of the changes to the charging structure whereby customers had to make pro-rata payments for the current financial year and this would be monitored over the next quarter.  Appendix 2 to the report included a summary position for each Head of Service which showed current variance against their budget.  He was particularly pleased to report that the retained income for business rates was showing a surplus of £97,000, which had been removed from the budget targets due to the significant deficit the previous year.  Whilst this was a very good position, it should be noted that there had so far been very little activity with regard to processing appeals, either from past listings or against the new 2017 list.  Appendix 3 to the report showed the capital budget as at Quarter 1 and Appendix 4 to the report provided a summary of the current usage of available reserves.

32.5           In response to a query regarding income from the leisure centre, the Head of Finance and Asset Management confirmed that a sum was payable at the end of the year, this was £151,000 for 2016/17 and increased annually with inflation.  There was also a profit share element which meant that any profit made at the end of the three year period would be shared between the Council and Places for People to reinvest within the service area.  In terms of business rates, a Member understood that the government had made a change for companies occupying multiple floors and that this would be back-dated to 2010.  He questioned whether this would impact on the Council and if it was being taken into account.  The Head of Finance and Asset Management indicated that he did not have any specific details but he was aware of this.  He provided assurance that the Council had set aside significant provision for every eventuality so it was hoped that sufficient funds would be available to cover any potential loss resulting from that particular issue.

32.6           Having considered the information provided, it was

RESOLVED          That the performance management information for quarter 1 of 2017/18 be NOTED.

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