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Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Millbrook Academy, Brockworth

Contact: Democratic Services Tel: 01684 272021  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


1.1             Apologies for absence were received from Councillors R D East, J H Evetts, B C J Hesketh, Mrs S E Hillier-Richardson and Mrs H C McLain.  


Election of Mayor

To elect a Mayor for the Borough for the ensuing year.  


2.1             With the retiring Mayor, Councillor Mrs Gill Blackwell, in the chair, it was proposed by Councillor Rob Bird and seconded by Councillor Rob Garnham, that Councillor Harry Turbyfield be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury for the ensuing Municipal Year.

2.2             On the Motion being put to the meeting it was declared to be carried, whereupon the Mayor took the chair, signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen.

2.3             In thanking Members for the honour of electing him Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury, Councillor Turbyfield indicated that he knew the year ahead would be busy but that he planned to enjoy it immensely. He also thanked the staff and governors of the Academy Trust who had allowed him to use the school for his Mayor Making Ceremony. He expressed a hope that, in the coming year, he would be able to give something back to the Borough of Tewkesbury and, in particular, Brockworth which was the area he represented. He firmly believed that the Borough was at the forefront to take advantage of everything that was available to it - whether those be challenges or changes - and he would work hard to represent the Borough in all forums that he could to push its reputation forward.

2.4             The Mayor indicated that his Mayoress for the year would be his partner, Councillor Mrs Ruth Hatton, and his Chaplain would be Reverend Wendy Ruffle, Minister for Prior’s Park. He felt sure that he would gain all the support and guidance needed to ensure a successful year in Office. The charities that he would be supporting during his Mayoral year were the Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA) and the Midlands Air Ambulance.  

2.5             In concluding his speech, the Mayor thanked everyone for attending and hoped that they would have an enjoyable evening.   


Retiring Mayor - Councillor Mrs Gill Blackwell


3.1             Councillor Mrs Elaine MacTiernan expressed the Council’s thanks to Councillor Gill Blackwell for the way that she had represented the Borough throughout her year in Office. She indicated that Councillor Blackwell was extremely kind and considerate and had shown this at all points during her year in Office. She felt that one of Councillor Blackwell’s great strengths was that nothing phased her, whether she was giving a speech for the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) or controlling the Councillors at a Council meeting – she did it all professionally and with warmth and good humour. Councillor MacTiernan was of the view that Councillor Blackwell had been a superb Mayor and ambassador for the Borough and she, along with the rest of the Council, was extremely grateful for this.

3.2             Councillor Blackwell thanked Councillor MacTiernan for her kind words and offered her congratulations and best wishes to the new Mayor and Mayoress for their year ahead.

3.3             Councillor Blackwell advised that she could not believe a year had passed already. She was extremely sad that her Mayoral year had come to an end as she had thoroughly enjoyed it and felt it had been a fantastic experience. She had many memories of the year about what people had said and done and she thanked the Councillors for allowing her the opportunity to serve the Borough as Mayor for the year. She was grateful for the support of her Mayoress and Consort, without whose guidance her year would not have been as enjoyable or successful Lastly, Councillor Blackwell thanked her Chaplain, Reverend Wendy Ruffle, for the spiritual guidance she had offered and indicated that she had been an absolutely superb Chaplain with whom it had been a pleasure to work.

3.4             In concluding her speech, Councillor Blackwell offered her thanks to all of the Officers at the Council who had helped her throughout the year and to everyone who had attended her events and made them such a success. 

3.5             The Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Harry Turbyfield, presented Councillor Gill Blackwell with a Past Mayor’s Badge to mark her successful year in Office.

3.6             The retiring Mayoress, Mrs Christine Wray, invested Councillor Mrs Ruth Hatton with the Mayoress’ Badge of Office and Councillor Mrs Ruth Hatton presented Mrs Christine Wray with a Past Mayoress’ Badge and Mr Mike Blackwell with a Past Consort Badge.     


Appointment of Deputy Mayor

To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year.  


4.1             It was proposed by Councillor Derek Davies, and seconded by Councillor David Foyle, that Councillor Terry Spencer be, and is hereby, appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Tewkesbury for the ensuing Municipal Year.

4.2             The Motion was put to the meeting and was carried.

4.3             Councillor Spencer expressed his thanks to his fellow Councillors for their support and indicated that he felt honoured to be elected Deputy Mayor. He advised that his Mayoress would be his wife Mrs Kate Spencer.

4.4             Councillor Spencer accepted the Deputy Mayor’s Badge of Office from the Mayor and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

4.5             Flowers were presented to Mrs Christine Wray, Councillor Mrs Gill Blackwell, Councillor Mrs Ruth Hatton and Mrs Kate Spencer.   




5.1             Upon the Motion of the Mayor, the meeting of the Council stood adjourned until Tuesday 16 May 2017 at 6.00pm.    




6.1             The meeting then resumed in the Council Chamber of the Tewkesbury Borough Council Offices, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury on Tuesday 16 May 2017, when the attendance was as follows: